Inclusivity campaign gathers momentum as firms embrace change

Across the UK manufacturing and engineering sector there are widespread concerns regarding an ageing workforce and an insufficient number of skilled people. The sector also lags behind others with regard to the number of females and individuals from diverse backgrounds or with disabilities it employs.

Breaking down the barriers that confine us as employers has been too long in coming but a new campaign launched by the Made In Group aims to overcome this.

The Inclusivity Campaign is an attempt to address the UK’s engineering skills gap, whilst at the same time, helping to make businesses more productive and profitable.

It is about maximising the potential of a business by ensuring its entire workforce regardless of their age, religion, sexual orientation and physical & mental ability feels respected, valued and engaged. In doing so, Made In believes they will be better motivated to do the best for their business.

Linking up with long-established training provider, Righttrack Consultancy, Made In has devised a support programme aimed at helping manufacturing firms instil a culture that truly embraces Diversity and Inclusion.

Defining the campaign is a bespoke inclusivity ‘health check’ for businesses which they can use to identify what best practice might look like and how to achieve it.

To undertake the free survey visit the link

Although in its early stages, the campaign is attracting widespread support and is being championed in Westminster by Baroness Burt of Solihull.

The first workshops in relation to the campaign have taken place and have received a lot of positive feedback, with a number of members becoming early adopters.

Chris Wray, managing director of Made in Yorkshire member ActionPlas is one of them.

“I’m always willing to listen to new ideas and I think the Inclusivity campaign is useful in this respect because it challenges the way people think and prevents them from making unfounded judgements,” he said.

“It’s proving very beneficial to us and we are going to fully embrace it throughout the company because it’s important that we support our whole team.”

If further proof were needed, Chris has demonstrated his commitment to the founding principles of Inclusivity by recruiting a 63-year-old to his external sales team.

Of his latest recruit, he said: “I think it must be to do with the way I was brought up but why should you write someone off simply because of their age. Often these people have a wealth of experience and transferable skills which can be an asset to a business, such is the case here.”