Made in the Midlands to sit on All-Party Parliamentary Manufacturing Group

Made in the Midlands are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a place on the All-Party Parliamentary Manufacturing Group (APMG).
The APMG is a cross-party coalition of Parliamentarians and manufacturing sector organisations which works to develop new industrial policy ideas, critique existing government decision-making around manufacturing, communicate within Parliament the importance of a well-balanced productive economy, and help the manufacturing community better engage with the policy process.
The move will see Made in the Midlands CEO and Founder Jason Pitt sit alongside delegates from Rolls Royce, BAE Systems and GKN amongst others to ensure all Made in the Midlands members and the wider Midlands manufacturing community are represented at a national level. Resembling yet another win for member representation, this announcement follows a succession of trips to Westminster and Brussels for Made in the Midlands members.
Jason comments: “During a meeting with Dr George Dibb, Head of Manufacturing Design and Innovation – Policy Connect in London, it was agreed that both Made in the Midlands and Made in Yorkshire would have a place with the APMG. This resembles yet another win for Made in the Midlands members as we continue to ensure the voice of Midlands manufacturers and engineers are heard at the highest levels in order to influence government policy and better understand the needs of the sector in our region.