Made Report to provide barometer of Midlands manufacturing

The boom in manufacturing over the past few years has proved a welcome shot-in-the-arm to UK industry – but can it be sustained?
Manufacturers have been gazing into crystal balls in recent months trying to discern the answer but none has been forthcoming.
The economic impact of the UK’s exit from the EU is dominating political and industrial agendas the length and breadth of the country – understandably so.
But until there is certainty about the divorce details then investment decisions will continue to be delayed and general economic uncertainty – the bane of business – will prevail.
But what impact is this – and other ongoing issues such as skills, access to finance, taxation and technological advances – having on UK manufacturing?
As Made in the Midlands looks to ramp up its lobbying we are turning to our membership to help us ascertain the state of the manufacturing industry in this region.
We are launching a new Made Report, which will be an annual survey of the Made In network. The results of the survey will be analysed to provide a detailed picture of where Midlands industry is and how prepared the membership is to weather the challenges ahead.
The conclusion drawn from the collated responses will be personally submitted to Business Secretary Greg Clark in the hope it can serve as a roadmap to a successful new era beyond Brexit.
MIM chairman, Lord Mike Whitby said: “Members of Made in the Midlands are a vitally important catalyst within the industrial sector, and their growth and prosperity will be vital for our nation to successfully meet the challenges of the future.
“We want to illustrate to Westminster that the Midlands manufacturing sector is the true engine room of the UK economy and can generate the wealth which will fortify British industry as it navigates the inevitable headwinds generated by Brexit.”
In order to make the voice of Midlands manufacturing heard in the highest quarter then it is important that the industry speaks with an authoritative voice.
The survey will be dispatched to members shortly and we will be encouraging them to respond so that we can get as insightful a picture of the industry as possible.